
It's official, I am out of love with my Q

This damn bloody thing is absolutely useless. I have never before felt so strongly about a gadget I bought for a ton of money.

So here are the major drawbacks about the Motorola Q on Verizon:
  • battery life just simply sucks. Not kidding, 12 hours on the standard battery you consider yourself lucky. I thought the notion of a cell phone was to be able to cut the cord, not be in the charger the whole time. I find myself sweating for any opportunity to charge it.
  • the UI freezes completely when it checks for mail. Checking three acounts results in wait times of up to 90 seconds before you can actually see reaction to key input - hope I won't have to dial 911 in an emergency when it checks for email!
  • CDMA. Need I say more. It won't roam anywhere but continental USA.
  • no ssh application
  • no RDP client
  • it crashes. What the heck?! Why does a phone crash? It's a tested GSM stack, isn't it? I never had a phone before that simply freezes. Aweful!
So it's going up for sale on ebay. No kidding. I'd rather pay 175 dollars in termination fee than to continue on this path of misery and despair.

It took me only 15 minutes to go into the T-Mobile store to get a 30 bucks a month, unlimited Blackberry plan for my 7290 I brought from England. Now I am back to BB it just works. The damn thing just keeps on ticking. Four days no charge, no problem. Now we are talking. I am one with the world again.